2017-07-21 - 2017-07-23
WHAT? Workshops for Kids
WHEN? 21.07.-23.07.2017.
WHERE? Akniste, Latvia
Workshops by Artists:
Justine Luce
Anda Poikane
Lauris Vitolins
Peteris Sidars
Mākslas biedrība „Octopus art projects” aicina pieteikties
mākslas meistarklasēm Aknīstē
Mākslas biedrība „Octopus art projects” aicina pieteikties bērnus un jauniešus mākslas meistarklasēm. Meistarklases notiks 21., 22., un 23.jūlijā no plkst. 10.00 līdz 14.00 Augšzemes ielā 35 Aknīstē.
Aknīstes pilsētas un novada bērniem tiek piedāvātas 4 radošās mākslas meistarklases profesionālu, starptautisku atzinību guvušu mākslinieku vadībā. Ikvienam bērnam vecumā no 9 līdz 16 gadiem ir iespēja bez dalības maksas piedalīties daudzveidīgās radošajās darbnīcās, kā arī saņemt konsultācijas, padomus, apgūt jaunas prasmes un gūt jaunus priekšstatus par profesionālu mākslu. Meistarklasēs varēs iegūt vai papildināt prasmes atšķirīgu mākslas veidu un tehniku pielietojumā. Visas radošās meistarklases notiks 4 stundas dienā.
Tiek piedāvātas 4 meistarklases:
1) Animācijas veidošanas meistarklase pie Justīnes Lūces.
Mākslinieces Justīnes Lūces “Animācijas darbnīcā” tiks veidota animācijas filma par “Skaisto Latvijas dabu”. Darbnīcas dalībnieki iejutīsies scenārista, režisora, mākslinieka un skaņotāju profesijās.
2) Tēlniecības un veidošanas meistarklase pie Laura Vītoliņa.
Tēlniecības darbnīcas pamatā būs veidošana no māla un dažādu formu liešana ģipsī. Bērni varēs iepazīt veidošanas un formēšanas pamatus, kā arī to, kādi instrumenti ir nepieciešami, lai to darītu. Bērni apgūs ģipša liešanu formās un formas pēcapstrādi.
3) Kolāžu veidošanas meistarklase pie Andas Poikānes.
Meistarklasē paredzēta dažādu zīmēšanas materiālu izmēģināšana, skiču un zīmējuma izgatavošana, pievienojot jaunas izgatavotas krāsainas detaļas no preses izdevumu lapām, krāsainiem papīriem un uz vietas dabā atrastiem materiāliem.
4) Glezniecības meistarklase pie Pētera Sidara
Laikmetīgas mākslas meistarklasē paredzēti laikmetīgās mākslas definīciju skaidrojumi, sarunas, tendenču konstatējumi, diskusijas, dažādu materiālu izmēģināšana, pielietojums, kā arī starpdisciplināru projektu ideju attīstība.
Visu meistarklašu ietvaros paredzēti dažādi praktiski uzdevumi gan grupās, gan individuāli, kā arī diskusijas ar meistarklašu vadītājiem un dalībniekiem. Plānotajās sarunās tiks diskutēti teorētiski un praktiski mākslas aspekti, iegūstot pasniedzēja komentārus un viedokli. Meistarklašu dalībnieki pieredzēs visas mākslas darba radīšanas un attīstības fāzes: no idejas rašanās līdz idejas realizācijai, jo īpaši akcentējot dažādu tehniku apguvi.
Projekts tiek īstenots „Latvijas Valsts mežu finansētās Zemgales kultūras programmas 2017” ietvaros ar Valsts kultūrkapitāla fonda un Zemgales Plānošanas reģiona atbalstu.
Organizatori nodrošina telpas un nepieciešamos materiālus meistarklasēm.
Ēdināšana dalībniekiem netiek nodrošināta.
Bērniem, kas vēlas piedalīties meistarklasēs, nav jābūt priekšzināšanām mākslas jomā.
Pieteikšanās līdz 2017.gada 15.jūlijam, aizpildot pieteikuma veidlapu un to nosūtot pa e-pastu: info@octopusartprojects.eu
Projekts tiek īstenots „Latvijas Valsts mežu finansētās Zemgales kultūras programmas 2017” ietvaros ar Valsts kultūrkapitāla fonda un Zemgales Plānošanas reģiona atbalstu.
2017-05-25 - 2017-06-27
WHAT? Exhibition ma(i)cro
WHEN? 25.05.-27.06.2017.
WHERE? Latvijas pasta banka, Brivibas iela 54, Riga, Latvia
ARTISTS: Luce (Edmunds Lucis) and Justine Luce
The project is being implemented in cooperation with the artalea.com
Support by Latvijas pasta banka
2017-06-02 - 2017-06-04
WHERE? Akniste, Latvia
WHEN? 02.06. - 4.06.2017
2017-02-02 - 2017-03-31
WHEN? 02.02.2017.-31.03.2017.
WHERE? Goethe Institut Riga, Torņa iela 1, Riga, Latvia
OPENING: 01.02.2017 at 6 PM
ARTISTS: Luce (Edmunds Lucis), Vitaly Stanislavsky, Lauris Vitolins
PARTICIPANTS and PERFORMERS: Dr.Art.Andris Teikmanis, architect J.A., sound performance Dana Indane, choreography / performance Agnese Bordjukova
curated by Evelina Vanaga & Edmunds Lucis
To view more about project's concept click
Cooperation with Goethe Institut Riga
2016-10-12 - 2016-08-17
The Reflecting Group Lab – Athens
A meeting and lab for cultural managers working in the field of contemporary art with a focus on the public space and civil society.
The research and network trip is also a working meeting to develop a cooperation project, it will bring together 15 participants from the Robert Bosch Cultural Managers Network.
Not only since the financial crisis, the internal and European political developments, the intensification of the crisis in summer 2015, and the debate about refugees, Athens is in the focus of public and medial interest. Taking Greece as an example, questions about the European economic and austerity policy, the fundamental premises of the European Union, direct democracy, and solidarity among the member states are being discussed. Moreover, the preparations for documenta 14 in 2017 set in motion a much noted critical discourse and learning process beyond the event itself, focusing on the Greek capital as the central event location for the current transformation processes and the historical movements in Europe and in our globalized world.
In regards to a future cooperation project in Athens, we would like to experience how these current developments influence the artistic work, the civil society and the cultural policy discourse on-site, and in what way the — in this matter — highly charged orientation of the documenta can already open new perspectives, fulfill expectations and heighten the international attention to the situation in Athens and Greece.
We would like to discuss these issues and talk about already existing local initiatives and strategies with significant curators, artists, cultural producers and multiplicators. In Athens, we are getting to know the work of both established art and culture institutions, initiatives and actors of the independent scene. In addition to visits and talks we wish to consider thematic workshops in the programme, which will be designed in close cooperation with local actors and representatives of the Greek scene who will be also amongst the participants.
2016-06-01 - 2016-06-30
Cooperation with Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia
Event "Art Night Venezia"
2016-09-22 - 2016-09-25
Bulgarian Culture Day and Night
Network Meeting in Bulgaria
We are happy to be in the “Bulgarian Culture Day and Night” Networking Meeting which will take place in Plovdiv and Sofia between 23 rd and 25 th September 2016.
During short but intense visits to each place we had the opportunity to discover these ancient cities with their vibrant cultural and artistic scenes, we made new contacts, and get
inspiration for our areas of interest. We saw some of the most active Bulgarian cultural workers and artists and get it “behind the scenes” of Plovdiv European Capital of Culture in 2019 (http://plovdiv2019.eu/en/).
2016-04-01 - 2016-04-08
Cooperation with ArtAlea
Exhibition "ArtAlea Code"
Elizabetes Street 39, Riga, Latvia
2016-03-18 - 2016-03-18
Septini/5 (sv.Paula Karpas dienasgramatas)
Authors: Luce (Edmunds Lucis) & Raitis Vulfs
7 pm
Culture Centre "3Masas"
Zirgu iela 1-3
Riga, Latvia
2015-09-24 - 2015-10-17
6th Beijing International Art Biennale, China 2015
2015-05-01 - 2015-05-31
exhibition in Venice
artists: Luce (Edmunds Lucis), Edgards Mucenieks, Liena Muceniece, Andris Vitols
2015-09-25 - 2015-10-03
Exhibition in Hamburg, Germany
Galerie Speckstrasse
Speckstrasse 85-87
20355 Hamburg
Opening: 25 September, 7 pm
Exhibition: 26 September - 3 October
Artists: Dace Lucia Kidd, Sandris Jaudzems, Dita Luse, Kristina Rubine, Vitaly Stanislavsky, Jacopo Abis, Alise Kukaine, Justine Luce
Exhibition is a part of P/ART-Off
2015-03-05 - 2015-03-15
Exhibition GENESIS
Jurmala City Museum
Tirgonu iela 29
Jurmala, Latvia
Opening 5.03.2015
Artists: Dagmar Rauwald, Jürgen Schubbe, Manuel Schroeder, Liviu Bulea, George Baratashvili, Jacopo Abis, Giusva Pinato, Beatrice Gelmetti, Gioia Dei Rossi, Veronica di Giovanelli, Saulius Dastikas, Mantas Maziliauskas, Leonīds Tugaļevs, Romans Drits, MARLETA (Mārtiņš Rozenfelds, Lineta Līduma), Lauris Vītoliņš, Dita Lūse, Dace Lucia Kidd, Vitaly Stanislavsky, Māris Upzars, Sarmīte Caune, Andris Vītols, Justīne Lūce, Emīls Braunbergs
Support by JK Consulting Group
With the kind support of the Romanian Cultural Institute
2014-12-03 - 2014-12-21
Exhibition TAKE ME OUT
Artists: Luce (Edmunds Lucis), Edgars Mucenieks, Mārtiņš Rozenfelds, Sarmite Caune, Dace Lucia Kidd
Galleria Huuto Jätkäsaari 2
Helsinki, Finland
Support by Nordic Culture Point
Support by State Culture Capital Foundation
2014-05-11 - 2014-10-31
Ecoart objects
nature in art. art in nature
Botanical Garden
Support by Riga City Council and State Culture Capital Fondation
2014-06-27 - 2014-07-06
Gängeviertel, Hamburg
Artists: Iveta Skripste, Martins Rozenfelds, Lauris Vitolins, (Luce)Edmunds Lucis, Edgars Mucenieks, Liena Muceniece, Justine Luce, Agnese Bruvere, Rudolfs Baltins
Supported by Kulturbehoerde Hamburg and State Culture Capital Foundation
2014-04-02 - 2014-05-06
Soloshow by Luce
More about exhibition under PROJECTS
2013-11-26 - 2013-11-27
On 26 and 27 November 2013, the Goethe-Institut and his cooperation partners will be holding an international conference on the premises of Der Tagesspiegel in Berlin.
Octopus art projects is participating on this conference.
2013-06-01 - 2013-11-24
As an official part of the next 55th International Art Exhibition Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia 2013, Global Art Affairs Foundation will organize at Palazzo Bembo the exhibition "PERSONAL STRUCTURES".
The exhibition will open the first of June and run until 24 November 2013.
Edmunds Lucis aka Luce is taking part in the exhibition
2013-07-11 - 2013-07-28
WHAT? Exhibition
WHEN? Juli 11 - 28, 2013
WHERE? Künstlerhaus Speckstraße / Speckstraße 83-85 / Hamburg /
2013-06-23 - 2013-06-30
forum contemporary art
#3 project eXodus – „an eye for an eye“
Can crimes against humanity be prevented?
A view through contemporary art.
Utilizing 5-10 day worldwide workshop modules composed of
teenagers and professional artists called „forum contemporary art“
the participants learn to express their feelings about this question
through their own art. Each forum contemporary art (f/c/a) promotes
the interchange of ideas between viewers and an international
panel of artists, curators, playwrights and the deans of local cultural
Utilizing 1-5 day workshop modules in universities and schools
through out the world.
professional artists, performers
teenage students
associations and academies of arts and social science
culture institutions and museums
public discussion forums
2013-04-01 - 2013-04-30
WHAT? Exhibition LIGHT
WHEN? April 1 - 20, 2013
WHERE? Palazzo delle Prigioni /Ponte dei Sospiri/ Castello 4209, Venezia
Opening: March 31, 11am
Saulius Dastikas, Edgars Mucenieks, Victoria Dalle, Luce (Edmunds Lucis), Antra Skripste, Justine Luce,
Dita Luse, Lasma Pujate, Tosha, Arturs Bunts,
Vitaly Stanislavsky
2012-11-02 - 2012-11-04
WHAT? Exhibition "WAR"
WHEN? 2 - 4 November
WHERE? Bauskas iela 20, Riga, Latvia
WHO IS TAKING PART? Artists from Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, Italy, USA and Zimbabwe
Annette Vahle aka ameret, Dagmar Rauwald, Jürgen Schubbe, Manuel Schroeder (Germany)
Moffat Takadiwa (Zimbabwe)
Saulius Dastikas, Sigita Maslauskaite, Mantas Maziliauskas (Lithuania)
Inigo Jesus Montoya, Dace Lucia Kidd (Texas)
Edmunds Lucis aka Luce,Edgars Mucenieks, Anda Poikane, Juris Andersons, Justine Luce, Sarmite Caune, Raitis Vulfs, Vitaly Stanislavsky, Lauris Vitolins, Dita Luse, Liena Muceniece, Antra Skripste, Aigars Zarins, Irina Osleja, Andris Marackovskis, Gundega Smite, Leonids Tugalevs, Iveta Skripste, group Samdi and Zane Smite with students of Latvian Music Academy - Lauma Berza, Eriks Zeps, Ansis Jansons, Baiba Ergle, Asnate Rancane (Latvia)
To view more about project's concept click
2012-10-03 - 2012-11-18
The artist Dace Lucia Kidd is taking part in the VIII. International Biennial of Drawing Pilsen 2012.
2012-09-13 - 2012-09-16
Octopus art projects in the Art Fair "Berliner liste 2012"
Thursday, September 13th – Sunday, 16 th, 2012
Opening: Wednesday, September 12th, start 6pm in the MUMA and the TRESOR
First Choice for VIPs and press: Wednesday, September 12th, 3pm
2012-06-09 - 2012-06-17
WHAT? Workshop
WHO IS TAKING PART? Luce (Edmunds Lucis), Juris Andersons, Raitis Vulfs, Anda Poikane, Edgars Mucenieks, Sarmite Caune, Jazeps Pigoznis, Liena Muceniece, Iveta Skripste, Inara Metla
WHEN? 9 - 17 June
WHERE? Plienciems, Latvia
2012-07-06 - 2012-08-05
The artists Juris Andersons and Luce artworks are presented in the 7th International exhibition of marina landscapes “Marina 2012” in Jūrmala City Museum.
Exhibition opening: 6 July, 5 pm
2012-05-26 - 2012-05-26
WHAT? Street-Festival "Miera ielas svētki"
WHO IS TAKING PART? Performance "Flag of Peace" and "FIRE & WATER" by Luce (Edmunds Lucis),
Sculptures by Anda Poikane
WHEN? 26 May
WHERE? Miera iela, Riga, Latvia
2012-05-04 - 2012-06-30
WHAT? Exhibition of the "Octopus art projects"
WHEN? 4 May - 30 June
WHERE? Promenāde, Liepaja, Latvia
2012-05-01 - 2012-05-13
WHAT? Exhibition of artist Justine Luce
WHEN? 1 - 13 May
WHERE? Circolo Artistico di Venezia, Palazzo delle Prigioni, Castello 4209, Venezia, Italy
2012-03-04 - 2012-03-31
WHAT? Exhibition "BIBLOSS"
WHEN? 4 - 31 March
WHERE? Gallery "Carousell", Kaļķu street 2, Riga, Latvia
To view more about project's concept click
2011-12-26 - 2011-12-26
WHAT? Performance "Die schwarze Fahne" of artist Luce (Edmunds Lucis)
WHEN? 26 December, 12 - 3 pm
WHERE? Saulkrasti, Inčupe, Baltā kāpa, Latvia
registration: info@octopusartprojects.eu
2011-12-06 - 2011-12-22
WHAT? Art Fair
WHEN? 6 - 22 December, 1 - 8 pm
WHERE? Brivibas iela 85, Riga
2011-12-02 - 2011-12-04
WHAT? Exhibition "Octopus and Friends"
WHEN? 2 - 4 December, 1 - 8 pm
WHERE? Brivibas iela 85, Riga
2011-09-02 - 2011-09-30
The artist Peteris Taukulis is taking part in the international group exhibition “Idea of Portrait". Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania
2011-11-08 - 2011-11-08
Music & Improvisation. Gundega Šmite
Paintings & Signs. Luce
WHEN? 8. November, 7 pm
WHERE? Latvian Composers Union (Baznīcas iela 37)
To view more about project's impressions click here.
2011-09-24 - 2011-10-10
The artist Dace Lucia K is taking part in the group exhibition “Atgriesanas tur, kur nekad neesmu bijis" in Gulbene, Latvia
2011-08-10 - 2011-08-27
Exhibition "Heart on the Sreet"
Kunstarkaden. Art space of the city of Munich
Sparkassenstr. 3, 80331 Munich
Opening hours: Tue – Sat, 1 – 7 pm
Exhibition opening: 9. August, 7 pm
To view more about project's impressions click
2011-09-08 - 2011-09-11
Octopus art projects in the Art Fair "Berliner liste 2011"
To view more about project's impressions click
2011-08-04 - 2011-09-05
Exhibition "Space. . Between.."
In the halls of theater "Juras Varti".
Ventspils, Latvia.
WHAT? Exhibition "School" of art project Octopus
WHEN? 14.May 10.00 - 13.00.
WHERE? Bauskas Street 20, Riga, Latvia
To view more about project's impressions click
Dace Lucia K takes part in:
Hilton Slussen Stockholm Welcomes International Art Exhibitions in Corporation with Bubble Projects
Stockholm and Utrecht (May 3 2011) – Hilton Slussen Stockholm and Bubble Projects are proud to present the exclusive launch of a monthly changing international art exhibition. His Excellency Jan Edward Craanen, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and Peter Eriksson, General Manager of Hilton Slussen Stockholm, will open the exhibition on May 12, 2011 at 5.00 PM.
Contemporary Dutch art works will be displayed and changed monthly. There will be showed art of four famous Dutch artists: Kés Aerts, Karen Pelckmans, Hilde Schaap and Florentijn Bruning (famous for her Mona Lisa Project). In addition, there is a meet and greet with the artists.
For the first time in art history the world famous Dutch painting ‘De Nachtwacht’ of Rembrandt will be dispayed in Stockholm. ‘De Nachtwacht’ is repainted by 27 young artists of whole Europe! See this special art work, it’s even for sale! Also if you visit this launch you’ll get a 10% discount on your purchase!
Bubbles and canapés prepared by the Hilton chefs will be served.
More information on Bubble Projects and the artists can be found on:
Bubble Projects www.bubbleprojects.eu
Kés Aerts www.keesaerst.nl
Karen Pelckmans www.karenpelckmans.nl
Florentijn Bruning www.florentijnbruning.nl
Hilde Schaap www.hildeschaap.nl
2011-05-23 - 2011-07-16
Exhibition “Matilde” of the artist Anda Poikane and Kristine Lazdane in the Gallery “Istaba”, Riga, Latvia
2011-04-05 - 2011-04-30
Solo Exhibition “SOME LUCK INVOLVED” of the artist Dace Lucia K in the Gallery “Carousell”, Riga, Latvia
2011-03-10 - 2011-04-10
The artist Luce is taking part in the group exhibition “NeJauTa" in the "NABAKLAB", Riga, Latvia
2011-03-08 - 2011-03-22
The artist Peteris Taukulis is taking part in the group exhibition “Ventspils --111--Liepaja" in the culture centre "Juras varti", Ventspils, Latvia
2011-03-08 - 2011-04-08
The artist Peteris Taukulis is taking part in the group exhibition “Surprised City Liepaja” in the Gallery "Pegazs", Riga, Latvia
2011-02-19 - 2011-04-02
The artist Luce's artworks are presented in the group exhibition "pup art III. erotic art" in the Gallery "Suna taka", Jelgava, Latvia
2011-03-01 - 2011-03-31
The artist Dace Lucias K artworks are presented in the group exhibition in the Gallery "Carousell", Riga, Latvia
2011-01-14 - 2011-02-12
Solo Exhibition “Mirage” of the artist Justine Luce in the “DAD Cafe”, Riga, Miera street 17, Latvia
2010-10-21 - 2010-11-15
Solo Exhibition “Inside” of the artist Anda Poikane in the “Stikla galerija”, Riga, Latvia
The artist Dace Lucia K is taking part in the Residence of “7th crow gallery” in Texas since October 2010
2010-10-21 - 2010-10-30
The artist Juris Andersons is taking part in the international Art Exhibition "Arte-Binningen” in Switzerland
2010-10-07 - 2010-10-10
The artist Dace Lucias K artworks are presented in the international art fair "Berlier Liste 2010" in Berlin, Germany.
2010-11-12 - 2010-11-14
The artist Juris Andersons is taking part in the international Art Fair “HanseArt” in Bremen, Germany
2017-11-16 - 2017-12-15
WHAT? Exhibition Metafora + LN336
WHEN? 16.11.-15.12.2017.
WHERE? Latvijas pasta banka, Brivibas iela 54, Riga, Latvia
ARTISTS: Diana Adamaite and Anda Poikane
The project is being implemented in cooperation with the www.artalea.com
Support by Latvijas pasta banka and State Culture Capital Foundation
2018-03-10 - 2018-04-10
The exhibition “litania”
Important dates: 10th march – 10th April in 2018
The venue of the exhibition: Cēsu izstāžu nams, Pils laukums 3, Cēsis, Latvia
Office hours: Tuesday – Sunday 10.00 am – 6.00 pm,
Artist Anda Poikāne
Support by State Culture Capital Foundation
2020-04-26 - 2020-05-24
WHAT? Exhibition "442 Hours"
WHEN? April-May 2020
WHERE? Gallery Romas darzs, Liepaja Latvia
ARTISTS: Luce (Edmunds Lucis), Anda Poikane
Performance: Roberts Vilsons, Arturs Čukurs, Marija Luīze Meļķe, Beate Poikāne
Video: Raitis Vulfs
To view more about project's impressions click
2020-03-30 - 2020-04-27
WHAT? Art in the public space. EASTER 2020
WHEN? April of 2020
WHERE? Kekava, Latvia
To view more about project's impressions click